Free David Ferguson

Help to right a grave miscarriage of justice....

Image of David Ferguson

Blog entry 19th July 2014

This months blog sadly has no new news to report on my appeal having progressed. Despite having written to my solicitor asking what progress has been made in commissioning the forensic material review as requested by the instructed barrister, I have received no response.

However, the Attorney General's new guidelines regarding the Crowns duty to disclose requested evidence in appeal investigations is very promising. I have now sent instructions to my legal counsel asking that they formally request Kent CPS to disclose the wealth of evidence that they continue to withhold. This includes:

These areas of evidence that the prosecution hid during my trial and have refused to hand over since will irrefutably establish that the case against me has been falsified.

Life at Wakefield has become increasingly unbearable. We are being locked up for longer and longer, the Senior Management Team's confidence that they can ignore fundamental national prison rules grows each day and the governor is like an ostrich with its head in the sand believing that if he ignores the ever increasing resentment growing within the prisoners here it will simply go away. Treat people like animals and eventually they will begin to behave like animals.

Here is an example of the abysmal stance Wakefield's governor and SMT take towards its prisoners. In the past few months almost all of the prisons' prisoners who were trying to make the best use of their time by studying for degrees with the Open University had their study facilities withdrawn forcing them to fail their study modules, as they could not submit completed essays for assessment. One prisoner who completed his final essay for his degree handed it over to the prison so that it could be posted to the Open University. The prison withheld the essay knowing full well this would mean he would fail his module and degree, wasting 6 years of hard work. Understandably he is distraught.

At the start of the month the prison was reviewed by the Chief Inspector of Prison's inspection team. We prisoners have no doubt that yet again the final report will be an utter white-wash of what is really going on at Wakefield. Why are we so confident that the report will be a cover up? The governor has already issued a notice claiming the HMCIP initial findings are that the prison has improved since the last inspection. Nero is still playing the fiddle as Rome burns.